Transformational Life Experts
Anne Hope & Alison Theaker

Mid-Life Mythbusters
Providing courses & information to help navigate Mid-Life challenges & Menopause
We offer :
VIDEO COURSES: (see Workshops page)
Menopause: from one healthy state to another​​
Menopause: what men need to know
BESPOKE ONLINE COURSES (£150 for 1 hour tailored to your needs)
for businesses to enable them to educate their staff
for groups who may want to inject more joy and creativity at this time
ONLINE WEBINARS (details of upcoming dates for next available on Workshops page)
Menopause Without HRT : How to navigate a happy menopause without medication - 1 hour webinar with small groups of women, your chance to find out more & ask questions
Menopause Mythbusting: The 5 tops myths we hear about menopause clearly explained and "busted".
The Secret to a Great Menopause often characterised as a grim process which women dread, whilst a time of change, we show how you can positively influence it.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL "Wisdom For Menopause & Beyond" - Covering many aspects of mid-life wisdom, help & eclectic support. We have guests, share a wide range of experiences and practical help to make mid-life, menopause & beyond the best years of your life.​​​
I was at a crossroads ...
"40 seemed to be a turning point for me, up until now I had just taken one thing at a time and now I felt a bit dissatisfied ... where next? This gave me a great grounding to begin to feel back in control and a sense of what I wanted to do next."
I wasn't living life to the full ...
"Empty nest!! I felt empty all through, was I washed up at 50 ... to be honest everything felt just blah!
I loved the yoga and bellydance (although I was a bit self conscious beforehand, it was lovely). But mostly the groupwork really opened my eyes (and mind)."